How Do We Care?
The main entrance door will be supervised when the children are arriving and leaving. At other times the door will be locked. Hot drinks will be kept in the kitchen and must never be taken into the area occupied by the children. A full safety policy is available on request
Illness/Covid 19
Parents are asked not to bring their child into Silverdale Pre-school if they have had diarrhoea and/or sickness until at least 48 hours has elapsed since the last attack. Cuts or open sores, whether on adults or children should be covered with a sticking plaster or other suitable dressing. If your child becomes ill between the hours of 8.15am – 3.30pm, parents/carers will be contacted on the telephone numbers that have been provided by yourself. Please ensure that these numbers are regularly updated.
Although many of the Covid restrictions have now been lifted, we still are cautious at Silverdale and prefer to still maintain many of the procedures put in place during the pandemic. We ask that you still adhere to our Covid 19 policy and do not send any child into pre-school who has a high temperature or new, persistent cough. Please keep your child at home until these symptoms have passed.
Unfortunately, accidents do happen. Our Qualified First Aiders will deal with minor accidents appropriately and you will be informed of this event when you collect your child. A first aid logbook is kept and you will be asked to countersign this entry in the book. A major accident will be dealt with following the normal emergency procedures and you will be contacted using the emergency telephone numbers provided to us.
Smoking is not permitted within the building. Children are encouraged to wash their hands after using the toilets, before food and after certain activities. Individual paper-towels are provided and also a hand drier is available. Boxes of tissues are available and the children are encouraged to wipe their nose when necessary. Soiled tissues are to be disposed of hygienically. Children are encouraged to shield their mouths when coughing. Staff positively model and reinforce good hygiene practice. With regard to Coronavirus still being around, children will be encouraged to wash their hands on arrival at pre-school and during the session, before and after eating and outdoor play. Children will also be encouraged to catch it, bin it, kill it when coughing and sneezing.
Snack Bar
Every child is provided with a third of a pint of milk. If your child dislikes milk (or has an intolerance), water is also available. We try to discourage sweet, sugary drinks in our pre-school and focus on eating healthily and well-being. Alternatively you can provide a drink clearly labelled with your child’s name. Every day a snack is provided in the form of fruit, vegetables, sandwiches, cheese and crackers etc. If there is anything your child is allergic to, please speak to a member of staff.
We positively reinforce good behaviour; any unacceptable behaviour is dealt with promptly. We have a policy of consistent handling and never use physical punishment. All forms of bad behaviour are unacceptable in our Pre-school.
Fire Drills
We have regular fire drills, so that in the event of a fire your child would be familiar with our procedure
Your child will be allocated a key-worker when they start pre-school. The key-worker will work with you and your child, to ensure your child’s well-being and development. A file will be kept regarding this information in the format of a Learning Journey and it will be available on request from the child’s key-worker and dealt with in accordance with our confidentiality policy. This will record your child’s progress throughout their time at pre-school and assist your child’s key-worker to plan accordingly. Key-workers are always available to discuss your child’s progress and you will always be made welcome in our pre-school.
Collecting of children
Please can you inform a member of staff if your child is being collected by anyone else other than yourself. We will not release a child if we have not been informed. Collection details are recorded in a book daily when your child enters the setting.
The wearing of jewellery is NOT ALLOWED at our pre school for safety reasons. Please ensure earrings, necklaces and rings are removed from your child before they are left in our care. We will not be held responsible for accidents that occur if jewellery is not removed as requested.
Please ensure you apply sun cream to your child in the warmer months. We hope to have outdoor play everyday and even on cloudy days, the sun can still burn. We will provide sun hats, although your child may wish to bring their own (Name in please). If your child stays all day and you would like us to reapply suncream after lunch, please provide a bottle of their own suncream and a letter giving the staff at Silverdale Pre-school permission to apply it.