Our Policies
Admissions Policy
Your child’s details will be taken and you will be contacted when your child reaches the age of 2 years provided a place is available. Alternatively you are welcome to call in for a visit any time leading up to your child starting. This allows your child the opportunity to become accustomed to the setting and get to know the staff and children. Places will be given on a first come, first served basis, although priority has to be given to children already attending the pre-school, who turn 3 years of age and are then entitled to the nursery education funding. Places can only be held if they are paid for. We will make it clear that our Pre-school welcomes Fathers, Mothers, other relations and carers and people from all cultural, ethnic, religious and social groups with or without disabilities.
Special Educational Needs
All children are welcome in our pre-school. We will endeavour to accommodate children with special educational needs wherever possible and work with children, parent/carers and any external agencies to help with the child’s development.
Nursery Education Funding
Our pre-school is in receipt of Nursery Education Funding. Your child will be able to access the funding the term after their third birthday when they will be entitled to five free sessions at our group.
30 Hours Funding
Our pre-school offers the 30 hours entitlement. Please call in for more information or visit www.childcarechoices.gov.uk
2 Year Old Funding
We offer funding for 2 year olds. Please speak to member of staff who will happily provide you with more information. Certain criteria applies.
You do not have to pay anything!
The manager will approach you with any paperwork that needs to be signed.
If your child is under the age of three and you are not eligible for 2 year funding, there will be a charge per session. A bill will be given to the parents/carers on a half termly basis. If you prefer to pay per session or weekly etc, we are happy to accommodate this. NURSERY EDUCATION FUNDING will be accepted for your child. This will start the term AFTER their third birthday.
A full policy is available on request from the manager and also displayed in our setting.
Complaints Procedure
All complaints should be discussed with the manager. If this does not have a satisfactory outcome or the problem re-occurs the parent/carer should put the complaint in writing and request a meeting with the Pre-school Chairperson. For a full complaints procedure please see the supervisor.
Safe Guarding
We are obliged to follow The Nottingham Area Child Protection Committees – Child Protection Procedure. A copy of which is available from the manager on request.
Our other policies include;
Covid 19 Policy
Settling in Pre-school Policy
Key Person & Settling in Policy
Children’s Rights & Entiltlement Policy
Safety Policy
Heath & Hygiene Policy
First Aid Policy
Administration of Medicines Policy
Managing Children who Sick, Infectious or with an Allergy, Policy
Nappy Changing Policy
Risk Assessment Policy
Staffing & Employment Policy
Student Placement Policy
Outings Policy
The Use of Mobile Phones and Cameras Policy
Lost Children Policy
Late Collection of Children Policy
Behaviour Management Policy
Equal Opportunities Policy
Complaints Policy
Valuing diversity and promoting equality
Children’s records
Privacy Notice
*A full selection of our pre-school policies are on display in our setting